There is a Children's Sunday School time from 10:00am-10:30am each Sunday.
Spring is in the air (or will be soon)! We will all be enjoying warmer weather, longer days, and a lot of sunshine soon. We are always looking forward to seeing our youth at church services and during the Sunday evening gatherings! Our Youth bring so much happiness and are vital to our church!.
March 9:
Youth activities from 5-6:30 (Daylight savings begins today, too)
March 23:
Youth participates in the church service today - pizza, fellowship, and a lesson afterwards
The kids set goals/New Years Resolutions this year…to attend church more! That’s exciting! It’s so easy to sleep in on Sunday mornings because of the busy week, but when you get up and get there, it’s good for your body and soul! What a difference we could all make in the life of First Presbyterian Church if we all attended services more and got more involved. Let’s do it!