What a wonderful Christmas program of youth and adults we had! The Hand Bell Choir was outstanding, and all of the soloists we had during December were such a blessing to all! Once again, Christmas caroling was a blessing for all of those singing and all who were sung to. The specials services, including Christmas Eve are always fabulous! What a merry Christmas First Presbyterian had! Happy New Year to all! Our youth are so important to us, and we are blessed by their presence! We enjoy seeing all of our kids during our youth events and during Sunday services. A great New Year’s Resolution - be very involved in our wonderful church! We need you and you need us!
Activities for January
January 12: 5 - 6:30 Youth activities
January 26: Youth Sunday! Kids will participate in the service, with speaking parts, lighting the candles, and taking up the offering. Pizza and our youth group after church until 1:00!